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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wind Blown

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes, so is everyone who is born of the Spirit..   John 3:8 New King James

Jesus said, "You're not listening.  Let me say it again.  Unless a person submits to this original creation --the 'wind hovering over the water' creation,  the invisible moving the visible, a baptism into a new life -- it's not possible to enter God's kingdom   When you look at a baby, it's just that: a body you can look at and touch.  But the person who takes shape within is formed by something you can't see and touch -- the Spirit--and becomes a living spirit."  From John 3 in The Message Bible

This windblown quality of followers of Christ from this verse in John puzzled me at first. The pictures of the Spirit from The Message Bible ignited my imagination.   Everyone born of the Spirit is molded and motivated by an invisible influence to be citizens of an invisible kingdom.  This mysterious quality of those born by the Spirit can excite the curiosity of those who are not born of the Spirit.  We lay aside the agendas of modern self-help programs and religious rules and allow ourselves to blown about by the Spirit of Life.  Just as we see a leaf quiver in a summer breeze so we can see the movement of the breath of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the windblown people of God.  

Brennan Manning writes: "Though the Scriptures speak insistently of the divine initiative in the work of salvation, that by grace we are saved. That the Tremendous Lover has taken to the chase, American spirituality still seems to start with self, not with God. Personal responsibility replaces personal response.  We seem engrossed in our own efforts to grow in holiness." But Jesus taught Nicodemus that the way to this windblown life is gained by looking up to Him as the people of Israel looked up at the serpent in the desert and believed.  Real life lies in looking up at Jesus on the cross and looking at the love that nailed Him to it. Meditate and receive that love, that love that says you are enough because Jesus has made you enough.  

Jesus, resting in your love goes against my cultural and very human instincts to achieve, to work to be worthy, and to work to be noticed.  Holy Spirit show me this rest-filled, windblown lifestyle.  I struggle to comprehend it.  I long to enter into the mystery and wildness of it.  I confess I get in the way.  My desire to impress you and others-the Pride of Life-gets in the way.  My stubborn refusal to let go of shame - to  let go of the idea I can change myself - gets in the way of this windblown life.  My refusal to believe you will transform my life gets in the way.  My refusal to let go of the way my life will look to others gets in the way.  Spirit blow on me.   Blow apart the Self that gets in the way.   Leave only me and You.   Leave only Your love.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Confessing Self-sufficiency

I found this prayer from Renovare' this morning.  Self-sufficiency is truly the enemy of rest.  I find leaving this particular "hyphenated sin" terrifying and painful to give up.   I keep asking the Holy Spirit to come into the center of my fear, so that I can leave this frantic scurry to provide for myself, relax His huge, strong arms and  watch and wait to see what He is doing.

Resting in God’s love requires that we confront our desires to be self-sufficient. It can be difficult, or even painful, to recognize our need for God, and find our sufficiency in him. Our prayer this morning is for our stubborn hearts:

Father, I am stubborn and willful. How quickly I resort to finding my own path, fighting battles on my own, and making plans without you, when all along you, Almighty God, are beside me! You are ready to make my paths straight, to fight on my behalf, and to guide me in the way you have planned if I just trust you first and above all else. Oh Heavenly Father, I long to learn true dependence, and through this, to find rest, freedom and deep peace in your sovereign care. Teach me, Lord, to be your servant.


In addition Lord, lead me deeper into silence.  Give me the wisdom and discipline to cease complaining and otherwise manipulating people with my words.  I am determined to trust you with my reputation and my future.   May I make my home in your love today instead of my own machinations.   I love you. 
