For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth come through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 The Amplified Bible
The law of Moses, the perfect picture of how we should behave and who we should be, led people to strive until they reached the end of themselves, failure. No matter how hard any human being could ever work, the righteousness of the law could never be honestly attained. The best men were only "white-washed tombs." Then grace of Jesus, a medicine and antidote for life, leads people to rest from the law. Instead transformation comes from relaxing into grace.
So long I have striven to do what I ought to do and to be who I ought to be, but I reached the end of myself, failure. How do I relax into grace? How do I receive this transformation? I believe. I confess. I know this Jesus. I pray. I worship. I wait. I bring all my struggle and shame to Him over and over again. I ask the Holy Spirit to change me. Humility, complete dependence on God, changes me. All my programs for progress are doomed to failure.
Jesus thank-you for coming as my Word, as my Light, as my Bread. Teach me from Your life. Shine your light on all my sin and darkness. Feed me with your truth. In the process of being with you, make me new into my true self. Even with your good and gracious law, I am lost without You. Thank-you for giving me a spiritual blessing I cannot earn and cannot deserve.